Thursday, May 19, 2005

My sister is going Linux

Seems my sister's old HP Pavillion has finally decided to start rejecting its WinME install.

For anybody out there looking to buy a solid desktop that is high quality, will last for years and has the need to buy a brand name PC, I'm gonna recommend HP.

Sure, you could say "Dude, you're getting a Dell" way, they have great tech support and all don't get me wrong, for some people it is far more practical to run back to the Best Buy where you got it if anything goes wrong where it will take a while for the Dell guys to come around and odds are you'l have to ship it for repairs in any case.

But anyways, my sister's old Celeron 333 with 192mb memory would probably run just a little slow with the bloatedness that is WinXP on that hardware, so we've talked it over and she's moving to Linux.

Novell Desktop Linux that is.

For those of your living under a rock, Novell recently acquired SUSE and while you'd think Novell would kill of SUSE's linux distro, its's there and they've put a lot of work into it as it seems. I've chosen Novell Desktop Linux for my sister because she's not that computer-saavy and it SUSE had always been the "Friendly" distro of Linux. It packs everything the average person needs and its quite cost effective. It comes with bundled Firefox, Open Office, GAIM for instant messaging and has a rather simple software update interface to make it easy to keep up to date.

Personally I give mad props to the Novell Linux Team, I think they're actually taking steps in the right direction with a distro that is simple and functional and not overwhelmingly intimidating for the entry-level user.

EDIT: From the too little-too late department, Slashdot reports Microsoft making an OS that runs faster on older hardware. Something ( linux ) keeping you up at night, Bill?

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